Friday, November 14, 2008

Photo Box

This is the model I worked from.....I thought it would be better for you to see these pictures. This was what I used. The box is 12x12x12 inches. I am still excited over having this. You can use different colors also which sounds like fun to me. This is probably old stuff to most of you, and you may have a better way. Carri j wanted to see what I had done. You are right, really easy.

Having to much fun Friday

I took this in my new photo Box.....I love this.... The charm is made for my friend Brenda. I am giving it to her in a couple of days. She doesn't know about it.....shssssssss! She won't be on my blog, she is in Washington DC with a team from our church. We sent this delegation with a brand new tent for Darfur (I hope that I spell this right). Gathered were hundreds of churches doing the same thing. This is Brenda and her Granddaughter Trinity....I think she will like it. On the back it says LOVE!

Photo Box

I have been taking my pictures and wondering what I was doing wrong. So I went searching for some answers and came up with a homemade photo box. It didn't cost me anything to make, I already had what I needed. Also I had been holding my digital camera and sometimes I would move and the picture would blur. So I got the tripod out and used it. I am still learning how to use it, any advice would be so welcome. I was really unhappy with the charm pictures and knew there had to be a better way. This is my first picture.....I think this is going to make life a little brighter......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's that time of year again.....

I have started doing Christmas....there is always so much to do. We have a Christmas eve party for our family. These little stockings are made of soft fleece. I made 24 of them. Our Tree will be filled with lights, candy and cookies. The kids just love taking all the goodies off the tree at the end of the evening. I just love it too. I also bought little gloves to fill, they are those stretch kind.