Tuesday, July 16, 2013


It had been a busy, but really nice day. I had cleaned radishes from the garden. Did some house cleaning.Planned what dinner would be…etc.

7:00 found us having dinner. LB and Finley were taking their after dinner nap. It was starting to cool down from another hot summer day.

I heard a sound,the dogs heard it too. We went to the back door to see a white suv in the back yard going through our fence.

Before I show the pictures, I want to share that the young man that was driving was caught just blocks from here.Beer cans were found that they had thrown from the suv. He had already been in a wreck by Lake Lowell which is about a mile from us. Damaged a trailer,etc and kept on going to our house.We saw his passenger jumped our fences and we do not know if he was caught. He and friend had stolen the suv.I am happy to say no one was hurt.

Those that have seen our backyard will probably understand these pictures easier.100_5161

This is our back yard gate.This is where we saw the suv leaving our back yard.100_5165

This is where the suv came through our fence interring the back yard, behind that tree is a ditch that he had to be air born to have gotten over, it is wide and deep. You also see the dog run smashed into the ground.100_5162

Our Bar-B- que was about 25 feet from where it was. And the little bench that has sat in that little cove is now a pile of wood.100_5160

The greater part of our fence will have to be replaced, about 100 feet.

The lawn will grow back from his spinning wheels.

Just another Sunday at the Evans Farm

Sunday, July 14, 2013

To Bella with Love…

How do you like the head bands Grandma made me…Bella #2 004 Bella #2 019 Bella #2 020 Bella #2 017 Oh my Darling”Bella #2 016 Bella #2 021

My sweet little Bella…Grandma made me this.