Then it seemed like the sky opened and everything seemed to turn upside down. Arney's 91 year young Mother (Ruth) became gravely ill and had to be put into the hospital in California. So Arney got on a plain out and we prayed that she would hang on for him to get there. Her Kidneys were failing and everything seemed to be shutting down. She was In ICU,it has been a really hard time for us all, she is loved. Arney is still with her and she is doing really well. I think he along with his sister were the best med she could get. Her Kidneys are doing well and she is ready to go home.
While this was going on....I had our Beagle "Matti Anne" put to sleep. She had been ill for along time and it was getting worse by the day. I thought that I was ready to let her go, but when it was time, I could hardly bare it. She was a wonderful little friend and she will always be apart of our life. So many memories...
As for me, I have taken this time away from the computer to clean and work on this little baby quilt. I had not shared that there was a baby coming because our Kristie had some problems and things were unsure at times. But our new baby girl is due July 31st. We didn't think she would go to full term, but so far so good. They are still working on a be continued when I know what they have come up with. This is number 5 for our Cory.
The quilt is baby pink with white polka Dots. I designed the flowers, there are 48 flowers. I am now stitching the quilt together...about half way done, so you see I have not been idol. I am doing everything by hand, I love hand stitching.
I will be going to all of your blogs, it will take awhile so please be patient with me. And I may not be on as often since it is summer and we have so much planned when Arney comes home. And yes, trying to figure this computer out and finding what I need on it to play with pictures and such.
I hope everyone is enjoying summer, I really didn't think it would get here...but it has and everything is growing so pretty. Tonight we have a storm coming in so I have to shut some windows and wait for the big blow!! Miss each and everyone of you....Hugs, Mary