Opera was one of the first forms of public entertainment. They were some of the first real musical stars all around the world. Although I am not a fan of this form of music, I can realize its importants of the time. Hale! Hale! Rock and Roll.
When I was growing up there were orange tree's as far as the eye could see in Southern, California. And the smell of the blossom's were amazing.
The prompt is "Collage." I think because my Grandparents were part of the migration from Oklahoma to California, I find a connection to this history. They left the land they loved with hope that this California would give them back a life less tragic...but the truth was that they found life very hard. After a few years of picking fruit and cotton, cutting grapes Grandpa became a Share Cropper. He worked 40 ac of cotton, which gave him a house and very little money. So they really never gained back what they had in Oklahoma, they never owned land in California. But what I remember is the love, the laughter, and the hard work that was the fabric of our family.