I was raised in a house divided....Mama was a Democrat and Dad was a Republican. I was in the 9th Grade when it all became very clear. The dinner table seemed to be the battle grounds for my parents, and I was just a listener. At school we were holding elections with buttons and signs, and it was all about the big school voting day. Nickson or Kennedy. I watched the debates with my parents and listened to what they had to say about who did the best job in front of the camera's. It seemed to me that it was more about how they looked in black and white, than what they said with my parents. But at school we had to write a statement about the debate, what you thought about their answers and did you believe in what they said. I will always be grateful for that time in my life, it made me pay attention to what each man had to say. Not what others were saying around them.Which brings me to now. And now I find that we are a family divided. And once again I am listening to what these two men have to say and trying to figure out who I believe. filtering out the news media, the spin, the lies and trying to make the right choice. Not how he looks or where he comes from, or his religion, but the man. Is he talking to me or is he just another man that wants to live in the white house that doesn't care about me or you. Many things have been said about these two men, but my heart goes to what they say to me. Not the junk on the news or the words spread all over the net. So with that said, vote! and vote with real knowledge, not with the spin. Our country in in real trouble, some will not feeling the pain of it, but most will.
It is time to remember who we all are, I am not blue or red, I am Mary Evans American.
So true...
Beautifully said.
I did look and listen.
I did vote.
I hope Obama wins!
Hi Mary,
This is a wonderful post. I like what you've said about paying attention, and making an informed choice. One way to do that is to explore a variety of news sources, and seek out those unbiased organizations whose job it is to hold everyone accountable. That used to be the job of journalists, and one that they took pride in. To find the truth and present it in an unbiased way. We, the people, need to start holding them all accountable too. Corporations control so much more of how we receive our news than they used to. That's not a good thing, and requires our attention in a very big way.
Even though I have always taken my right to vote seriously, this election does feel like one of particular importance doesn't it?
Very well stated! Thanks so much for reminding us of what matters most!
Thoughtful and well said! It is difficult to get past the excessive amount of opinions, and find the calm to determine our own.
Holly Jane American
I couldn't agree more! You feel the same way I do!
Beth D. American
This is a wonderful post and very well said. I also must say that I agree with Mrs. Staggs about the way big corporations are in charge of just about everything anymore. Scary times....and we definitely need a change.
The media doesn't do their job at all these days. It makes it more difficult to make a good decision.
I love the new header. Just dropped by to say Happy Halloween.
Just happened by here and want to thank you for your post - all the mean thoughtless accusations and falsehoods on both sides make it an election that I am not sure if there will really be a winner. The media has put so much distrust into our minds - it is hard not to hear and harder not to wonder. Let the best man win for America's sake. Judy
Thanks for coming by my blog...glad you like the purses.
I doubt I'll be able to sleep tomorrow night waiting for the votes to be counted. Once in I'll either be elated or devestated. I do hope it's the former and not the latter.
Fingers crossed. Happy Voting...aren't we lucky to live in a country where we can and do?
The news this morning was all about voter fraud, and that makes me wonder...
Your flag photo is a nice touch.
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