Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The prompt was self portrait....YIKES!

Think Green!!!! I hope you had a very blessed day~ Hugs, Mary
For those of you who do faces, this probably would not cause you any duress, but for me it was like asking for me to jump off a bridge! I do not do faces of any kind...so here it is, be kind!!!


Lynn Cohen said...

Well if this is how you look you are very cute indeed!

Celestial Charms said...

Love it. It definitely looks much better than anything I could have possibly mustered. I like how you drew your hair. That is a reflection of the new "do" right?

Bandit's Pack said...

Mary: That's a really sweet self-portrait. I love all your artistic endeavors! ♥

Werna Gail said...

You are to hard on yourself...this is better than I would have done.


I like your self-portrait. I think you did a good job! Love You!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Well, I can tell you, you did a much better job than I could have done! I think it's a very cute self portrait! I am catching up with you tonight. My dad had surgery and I have not had much time to leave comments:( Have a nice weekend! Twyla

Betzie said...

You did good Mary! I can't draw at all. I taught Kindergarten and that was my style..I signed up for Suzi Blu's beginner's face class and have yet to draw one stroke. LOL I'm just not motivated...I should have been smarter and saved my money...but I do enjoy her videos.
Enjoy the spring girlfriend!

Bandit's Pack said...

I've been thinking about Mattie Anne and hoping she's doing okay. Bandit sends his love, too. ♥♥

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