Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pot of Bean's

I can't remember the last time I cooked a big pot of Pinto Bean's. I went to the market yesterday and bought a bag of beans. For some reason it sounded really good. When I was a little girl growing up this was a staple in our house. And for most people we knew. Our families came to California from Oklahoma, Kentucky, West Virgina. You could visit any part of the family and it would be beef stews and Pots of Bean's.
Tonight's menu will be very traditional.
Pinto Beans hot and creamy
fried potato's
green onion/ sliced tomato's

I can smell them cooking...yummmy!


Kate Robertson said...

I like to make my own beans too. I usually put them in a crock pot to cook all day. Then I make them into refried beans for burritos and such. So much better than the canned variety. I can smell them too!


Shopgirl said...

Thanks for coming by, you are right, homemade is the best. I would invite you to dinner, but you are to far away....I will eat alittle extra for you.
Hugs, Mary

Dragonlady said...

YUMMY.....I grew up with this menu too....I can't remember the last time I cooked pinto though because my hubby doesn't like them, so I opt for the canned version for myself....