Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy 4th of July!!!!
It seems like yesterday, but another 4th of July is here. I think it is a time to give thought to how we got to this place in history. America came with the blood of men and women, their was no radio or TV, or the phone. Men died to bring messages miles and miles telling of what might be in harms way. I think we have a obligation to ourselves as humans, the brightest, the time of instant knowledge to stop and give thanks to those who have died for us, and for those who continue to believe in "We the People!" I am a news watcher, I always have been. There is so much bad news and I believe there are wonderful stories of good people out there. It seems to be more important to get people upset and set the stage for fear. I can not believe that we have not learned more about each other. If someone was dropped in the United States that knew nothing about us and turned on the TV they would think we were all a bunch of haters. I find it hard to believe that we let this be our entertainment, that we haven't figured out how to think for our self...We the People are listening to so much trash that we cannot see the forest for the tree's. I have gone as far as yelling at my TV when I hear some of the trash...like they might hear me! And to talk to each other has become a problem. We are so afraid of offending each other or causing a disagreement. So as we burn up a few hot dogs and eat a watermelon, ask the question....when did we decide to let others do our thinking for us, did we forget that we are all in this together. I know that a lot of you do not watch the news, that you decided long ago to filter out the junk...I wish that I could.

Friday, July 2, 2010
The quilt is done and a little down time....
After I posted, I went on line to look for "Dixie Maid" the batting I used for the baby quilt. Rock River Cotton Company in Janesville, Wisconsin. It seems that this building has been used since the 1880's. Janesvilles has a long history of manufacturing. I was unable to find what year this batting was made, but it was fun looking. I learned other things along the way about a town I knew nothing about. I find there are many adventures in searching for things and places on the Ole computer. This river played a part in the growth of this area.

It is hard to believe the 4th is this weekend....Have a wonderful time! I thought you would get a kick out of me having a time out after finishing the baby quilt. I will give this to Kristie tomorrow, I hope she is happy with it.
I like to lap quilt, then I can stitch anywhere I might be. I do have a frame, but it is for larger quilts.
I am not sure how old this cotton batting is, but it is vintage for sure. It has been in my stash of sewing keepers for along time...years. I bought it at a estate sale and put it away. I decided it was time to use it, so I cut enough for the baby quilt. It feels really good, loved hand stitching with it.
Here is the brown paper sleeve it is in...it shows 69 cents on the upper corner. It looks to be written with a black crayola of some kind. I should look up the company and see what I can find. The batting came with a pattern also, but was gone when I bought this.
Arney is home and his Mother is doing so good considering how ill she has been. She is home and we got a nurse to come in a couple of days a week.
She is very fragile.
I loved catching up on all your posts, everyone is so busy!!!
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