Saturday, August 29, 2015

Coming home to Blogland

After being gone for so long, you would think I would have all kinds of things to share, but here I am with very little of interest to share. but I have enjoyed going around town looking at all of your posts.
 It has been a busy year. I look forward to sharing the day to day things, the events, the projects, and just being apart of this community of creative, lovely friends.
I hope to find some things of interest to share as I gather myself together. I have to unpack, put away, find the box with all the treasures and then share them with you. Your, Mary
 Oh, that is where it is!!


Sharon Tomlinson said...

Glad you're back Mary. Enjoyed your visit.

Connie said...

Hi Mary, it is great to see you back in blog-land. We all live ordinary lives . . . but ordinary is a great place to be and sharing those days of clothes on the line, flowers blooming by the front door, children leaving for school and you with a empty house and time to spare, or maybe a bargain from the thrift store . . . that's where most of us are and there can be a lovely joy in the ordinary. Remember "bloom where you are planted" . . . I'm looking forward to hearing from you more and more. Thanks for stopping by my blog and remember that my welcome mat in always out :)
Have a great week and God bless you.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)