Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday is all about Finley


Finn (2)Our little Buddy had to go to the Vet today. We have had wind and some branches were in the backyard, He hurt his eye on one of the fallen branches. so he is getting eye drops and lots of love. Vet sad it was good that we brought him right in because he scratched his little eye.He will be fine. Thought I would send a picture of him taken a couple of weeks ago. It scared us a bit…on our Saturday. Hugs, Mary



Janet said...

Aww...poor Finley. I hope his eye is better soon. He's just so darn cute!!!

Ruth Kelly said...

He's a cutey!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Finley is such a sweetie pie. I know how we hate for our babies to get hurt. Hugs and prayers for little Finley. Love, Twyla

Lynn Cohen said...

I am glad he has you for a mommy as I know he will heal well with the love you give this precious being!

Connie said...

Hi Mary, Why I am up this late blogging I do not know . . . but maybe it was to find your blog. Your little buddy looks just like your Butchie when he was a puppy. I also love to journal and craft, as well as,paint, sew, play guitar, sing, garden . . . I'm a wife, mother and grandmother and I believe in finding joy in each wonderful day that the good Lord sends my way.
I love blogging and making new blogging friends. I am your newest follower and I would love to invite you to follow me back.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Your newest blogging sister, Connie :)

Queen Bee's Musings said...

Love your room and especially our pictures on the chimney!
Your Arney and mime Terry have both made stairways. For our home. They are special guys.